Saturday, June 1st—Camp Staff Training. 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Good News Club, Inc. headquarters. Lunch will be provided!
Sweatshirts are available! They have a hood, zipper, and the logo will be similar to the staff polos. They are $37 and your order must be placed via e-mail by May 31st or at training on June 1st. We must have a minimum order of 12 sweatshirts in order to purchase. Camp staff only, please.
Adult sizes only available, but men’s/unisex or ladies’ fit. Typically, not every color is available in every size/fit, despite the photo shown. (Our experience is that there is greater availability in the men’s/unisex fit than the ladies’ fit.)
Please read through each document below carefully and complete according to the instructions.
Medical Form
Please print.
Print, fill out, and bring to training.
If married, put spouse's information in the father/mother spaces.
Standards of Conduct
New from our committee for 2019. If you are age 17 or younger, please print and sign, along with your parent/guardian's signature, and bring on Saturday. We will provide printed copies for those age 18 and older at training.
Relational Commitment
Read only. This will be included in the staff manual.
New from the committee for 2019. It is referenced in the Standards of Conduct.
Extra Scripture for 2019 camps
Read only. This will be included in the staff manual.
The registered campers have been receiving this to begin studying for their extra Scripture. You need to know it for your week(s), too!